Beaumonde Law Practice

We stop the greatest assets of businesses, (i.e. their staff) turning into their biggest liability. We restore harmony to the workplace and secure justice for our employee clients. Our Sundeep Bhatia is a member of the prestigious "Employment law committee" of the Law Society of England and Wales. He is also a Law Society Council Member for Ethnic Minority solicitors, since 2010, and has been standing up for diversity in the legal profession, for over 15 years, both as a Council Member and as a Chairman of the Society of Asian Lawyers, between 2008 to 2010. Sundeep also served on the Equality , Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Law Society , from 2010 to 2016. We are a specialist employment law solicitors' firm, regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. We can advise on "furloughing" and selection for redundancy during the coronavirus pandemic. We also can deal with disciplinary and grievance matters, unfair dismissal, all forms of discrimination, whistleblowing, flexible working requests, constructive dismissal, deductions from wages, working time regulations. settlement agreements, and all other employment related matters. We can negotiate pre-action conciliation with ACAS and can both issue, and defend proceedings at the Employment tribunal and the Employment Appeal Tribunal. We can draft and advise on amendments to contracts of employment. We can draft procedures for employee handbooks. We remain open, remotely, during the coronavirus pandemic, with consultations by telephone and video. We are also a specialist criminal defence firm. Our Sundeep Bhatia has been practising criminal law since 1994 and has been a duty solicitor, both at court and at police station, until 2018, when he decided that it was no longer feasible to carry out work, on that basis, due to rates of pay and conditions which made it no longer possible for him to continue to provide the high standards or representation, that any client rightly expects and deserves. Sundeep is able to offer that standard of service, but only to fee paying clients. Sundeep is also a solicitor advocate with higher rights of audience in the Crown Court. This means that he can carry out the same role , as a barrister, and can represent clients, as a defending advocate. Over the years Sundeep has dealt with every kind of criminal case from drink drive to murder and including drugs offences, serious assaults and a very involved fraud case , involving the cracking of computer software. Sundeep also has ample experience in representing clients for road traffic matters such as speeding, dangerous driving, driving with no insurance, driving with excess alcohol and driving whilst unfit. He has saved the licences of many drivers, whose livelihoods depend on their being able to drive.
Contact Information
Pentax House
South Hill Avenue, Northolt Road
Harrow, HA2 0DU
United Kingdom - Telephone: 02088681614
- Website: Not Listed
- Social Media Links: Not Listed
Office Hours:
Monday 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday 09:30 - 17:00
Friday 09:30 - 17:00
Our Areas of Practice:
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