The Environmental Regulation and Information Centre (Eric) is an independent provider of green business expertise to industry, governments and law firms Lead by Directors Begonia Filgueira and Professor Robert Lee, Eric is unique in bringing together 'under one roof' expert environmental legal practitioners, academics and business leaders working as consultants. Our business model allows flexibility and cuts down on overheads, resulting in competitive rates for our clients. In terms of both expertise and the breadth and depth of services provided, the Eric team is second-to-none. Whether you are a law firm or in-house lawyer, company director or investor, or represent a regulator, local-government body, central government or international institution, we can offer you a client-orientated service providing support internally and/or externally, tailor-made to your needs. We offer: Just ask Eric.
Contact Information
123 Saltmakers House, Hamble Point Marina
Southampton, Hampshire SO31 4NB
United Kingdom - Telephone: 02380 453777
- Website: Eric
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